Monday, March 30, 2009

Back in Bizness!

Well, last post was Nov. Most everyone already knows that I was hospitalized in Dec. and had surgery in Feb. Although I am still saddened by the card that was delt me, I (and my one remaining ovary) are trying to move forward. Several of you are aware that I was still hoping to have another child in the future. Apparently not in the cards. :(
Remember when you were a kid learning how to play UNO and you had like 15 cards in your hand? I kinda feel like that lately. My game plan (lol) is to group the cards by color, lay them down in different stacks in front of me, and pick up the corresponding pile as the cards are played. How come EVERYONE else has a wild draw 4 card but me??! :)
Anyways.....For our 12th anniversary, my beloved husband surprised me with an appt for a family picture with a local photographer. He even scheduled off work for it. I was pleased with the results.
I started back 2 work 3 wks post total abdominal hysterectomy (with a note from my doctor too). I am now working in the ER Registration dept in the hospital. In our efforts to reduce debt, I am now working full time AND night shift. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE night shift..... at least I used to. We'll see. ttfn NAE


wilkinson family said...

yeah!!! you got the new job!! congrats on that. i love the new family pics, you all look so fantastic! love ya

sleepless said... have a darling family..and awesome photos...what a nice husband !! Thanks for sharing.

Myhouse4nine said...

Thanks so much for the update, and I agree that the Photos are fab! The husband gets big gold stars for that one! Good luck with the back to work stuff!

The Mrs. said...


It is very good to see you again! ;-) We love you, and wish you all the satisfaction that comes when your whole family is working on a goal! (To reduce debt.) I LOVE the feeling of all working together on a goal. You guys look awesome! -Elizabeth

*Lyndsey said...

I'm glad to see that you're back and blogging again! The family pictures look great! I can't believe how grown up Amry is. And YOU look gorgeous!